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The Lost River Museum

Farming Families of Hardy Valley 1746—1930


Did you know that Lost River provided cattle for George Washington’s forces at Valley Forge?  And were you aware that in the 1800’s farmers would drive turkeys from Mathias to the railhead at Broadway? Today, Hardy County is known for its farming culture and economy. This has been true since the earliest settlers arrived in the late 1740s. Before that, Native Americans cultivated the countryside north of Moore’s Field.  Many of the families who built the agriculture industry in our area have descendants living here and still farming.


Prior to 1930, life depended upon making the land produce. Women worked hard, tending animals and gardens, sewing clothing, even weaving cloth. Farmers performing backbreaking work made Hardy County and the Lost River Valley a great place to live. Our Museum is a hands-on, discovery experience where visitors can actively learn about agricultural and domestic life during the past 200 years. 

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PO Box 26, 8937 WV 259

Lost City, WV 26810

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